100% Prepared
Online Training
“100% Prepared” is an interactive multi-media educational program that ensures that every member of your workforce understands their company’s emergency action plan, and their role during an emergency. The program was designed to minimize injuries and mitigate damages during an emergency by ensuring rapid response and knowledgeable execution of the plan.
Reviews evacuation principles, active shooters, severe weather emergencies including earthquakes and fires. Each module includes knowledge assessments, and a printable summary of the essential principles covered. This program meets the employer’s OSHA regulatory requirement (OSHA 1910.38(f)) to review the emergency action plan with all company personnel on initial hire and annually thereafter. OSHA 1910.38(f)
- Course duration: 45 minutes
Volume Discount: 866-233-4357, info@EmergencyUniversity.com
Accreditations and Approvals:
- Meets the guidelines for training established by OSHA
Awards and Recognition:
- People Saving People - The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation presented this Award to Emergency University Trainees from the FAA for saving the life of a 50-year old American Airlines Pilot at the 2012 ECCU Conference.
- Public Service Award for Outstanding AED Program - The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association (SCAA) presented the FAA with this Award at the 2012 SCAA annual meeting.
- Braun, O., (October, 2011). Can the AHA Recommendations for a PAD Program Be Effectively Implemented Nationwide Using a Combination of Personalized Medical Supervision and Extensive AED Program Software and Database Support? The Official Journal of European Resuscitation Council, Volume 82, (Supplement 1), Page S20. •Presented at the 2011 European Resuscitation Conference.
- Braun, O., (September, 2012). Success Factors for Agency-Wide Public Access Defibrillation Programs. Presented at the Emergency Cardiac Care Update Conferences(ECCU). •Hosted by the Citizen CPR Foundation in cooperation with the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Course Content:
- Introduction/Overview:
- Workplace Emergencies are Common!
- Program Contents:
- What to do in an Emergency
- Preparation
- Evacuation
- Sheltering In
- Specific Emergencies
- Medical
- Earthquake
- Typhoon
- Hurricane/Cyclone/Tsunami
- Fire
- Active Shooter
- Emergency Notification Technology
- What is it? What will it do for me?
- How do I get it?