Photo of 3 employees at a baseball stadium

Setting the standard for the Emergency Response industry since 1999

About us

Founded by a team of committed medical professionals 26 years ago, Emergency University has evolved into an enthusiastic community of highly trained emergency response professionals, tirelessly dedicated to saving lives, one response at a time.

Our Corporate Culture

Emergency University's culture values dedication, perseverance, integrity, and respect for each individual. We pride ourselves on bringing these same values into our relationship with each of our clients. Our focus is to create the industry's most dependable, experienced and innovative solution for our customers, and to educate the community about better and more effective ways to save lives. We strive to provide our clients with a one-stop resource for customized, cutting-edge solutions that are proven to save lives.

EU has led innovation in the emergency response industry for over 3 decades

A series of firsts

EU Elevated the standard of care in public emergency medical systems

EU was the FIRST to introduce medical response capabilities into traditional Fire departments who, until then, had only provided Fire Protection Services.

EU’s Medical Director, Dr. Odelia Braun, served as San Francisco Fire Department’s first Medical Director. With her SF emergency responder colleagues, she designed, trained and implemented the first Fire Department AED Program, proving that they were safe in the hands of non-healthcare professionals and tripling the number of SF citizens who survived cardiac arrest in San Francisco.

NOW, every Fire Department carries AEDs which are an integral component of their EMS medical response.

EU redefined emergency care in public venues

EU was the FIRST to implement an internal medical emergency response System in a Sports Venue, at Candlestick Park, home of the San Francisco Giants.

Previously, Sports venues relied on an ambulance parked outside the stadium as the sole component of their emergency response. With the support of the SF Giant organization, EU trained all security personnel, ushers and usherettes as first responders, and provided them with airway and protective equipment. AEDs were placed strategically around the stadium, and EMTs patrolled the baseball park. Every year, a San Francisco baseball fan was saved. In addition, each year, the SF Giants sponsored a free CPR training event, developed by EU staff, for their fans called "Save a Life Saturday" training as many as 5000 SF fans on the morning of a baseball game.

NOW, every sport venue in the world has implemented an internal emergency medical response system

EU introduced emergency medical response systems to the workplace

Prior to 1993, workplace personnel who were critically injured or ill had to rely solely on the EMS system to assist them. Workplace personnel were taught to call 911 and wait for the Fire Department and Ambulance to arrive. EU's research demonstrated that EMS response times were too long to save the most critically ill and injured. EU authored the FIRST publication recommending that trained responders and emergency equipment needed to be integrated into the workplace.

We crafted new methods of training, including online and blended emergency responder training, reducing the cost and time of training to encourage organizations to participate. We developed the first emergency equipment management software to track emergency equipment and ensure they were properly maintained. Over the past 25 years, EU has strived to improve the organizational emergency response, responding to their client's needs to be innovating solutions that resulted in more and more lives saved.

NOW, every responsible workplace in First World countries has implemented a workplace medical emergency response program

EU transformed cell phones into a critical emergency management tool.

No longer simply a device for personal communication and entertainment, EU was the FIRST to understand that due to their ubiquitous presence, cell phones could be utilized for critical business purposes.

EU designed and patented the first critical incident management software that could automatically structure and execute an entire emergency response. EU observed that there were many organizational and behavioral barriers that prohibited an effective organizational response. Targeting these barriers, EU's cell-phone-based emergency response software, force multiplies the impact of each employee, but directs them to behave in a manner consistent with their comfort level, thus assuring that they will act efficiently and effectively during an emergency. Using the Incident Command System, each layer of responders automatically receives their professionally scripted protocols, eliminating hesitation and mistakes, and general workforce members receive step-by-step instructions.

No comparable solution has been designed that provides this critical emergency management tool


Dr. Odelia Braun PortraitDr. Odelia BraunCo-Founder, President
Dr. Eric Test PortraitDr. Eric TestCo-Founder
Doron Braun PortraitDoron BraunChief Executive Officer
Adina Amzaleg PortraitAdina AmzalegChief Financial Officer
Frank Poliafico PortraitFrank PoliaficoDirector of Training Emeritus
Becky Roof PortraitBecky RoofDirector of Engineering
Frank Siegel PortraitFrank SiegelCloud Architect
Renard Arsenault PortraitRenard ArsenaultDirector of Emergency Response Programs
William Yu PortraitWilliam YuHead of Graphic Design
Brenda Jimenez PortraitBrenda JimenezDirector of Customer Relations