Accreditations and Approvals:

- According to AHA/ILCOR 2010 Published Guidelines
- OSHA Compliant
- Approved and Utilized by the Department of Health and Human Services
- Approved and Utilized by Federal Occupational Health Agency
Awards and Recognition:

- People Saving People - The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation presented this Award to Emergency University Trainees from the FAA for saving the life of a 50-year old American Airlines Pilot at the 2012 ECCU Conference.
- Public Service Award for Outstanding AED Program - The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association (SCAA) presented the FAA with this Award at the 2012 SCAA annual meeting.

- Braun, O., (October, 2011). Can the AHA Recommendations for a PAD Program Be Effectively Implemented Nationwide Using a Combination of Personalized Medical Supervision and Extensive AED Program Software and Database Support? The Official Journal of European Resuscitation Council, Volume 82, (Supplement 1), Page S20. •Presented at the 2011 European Resuscitation Conference.
- Braun, O., (September, 2012). Success Factors for Agency-Wide Public Access Defibrillation Programs. Presented at the Emergency Cardiac Care Update Conferences(ECCU). •Hosted by the Citizen CPR Foundation in cooperation with the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Course Content:

- Basic Anatomy & Physiology of the Cardiovascular System: Basic anatomy and physiology concepts that later permit the trainee to understand the clinical concepts and skills associated with CPR. Colorful animations enhance comprehension.
- Basic Anatomy & Physiology Evaluation Exercise: Multiple choice and interactive animations reinforce important concepts.
- Basic Adult CPR Training: Multi-media training sequences including realistic photographs, voice, text, and animations address assessment, calling for help, proper positioning of the airway, rescue breathing using face shields, techniques for providing quality chest compressions, strategies for 1 and 2 person CPR, and personal protection while providing CPR.
- Basic Obstructed Airway: Progressive techniques for relieving an obstructed airway caused by a foreign body taught through realistic photographs, voice, text, and animations for adults and children.
- Intermediate CPR Training Evaluation Exercise: Interactive exercises to reinforce comprehension of main concepts and strategies in CPR. Preparation for final testing.
- Advanced Adult CPR Assessment Exercise: Video simulation of sudden cardiac arrest that requires the student to sequence required actions in providing CPR. A preparatory practice testing sequence is provided.
- Manufacturer Specific Basic AED Training: Basic multimedia AED training, utilizing interactive animations created specifically for the AED selected. Students review assessment, CPR skills, and are instructed to operate an AED in a sudden cardiac arrest. The Virtual AED allows the students to perform each physical task through interactive simulations. The Virtual AED responds to the student's intervention exactly as the actual AED would respond both visually and with each AED's unique audio responses. Personal protection issues are addressed.
- Manufacturer Specific Intermediate AED Training: Intermediate training that requires students to complete 3 typical cardiac arrest scenarios. Students are prompted to select the correct action in response to the described clinical condition of the patient, and the AED's audio and visual prompts. AED interactive activities are customized to the student's AED. Students receive feedback for each of their selections. At the conclusion, students have demonstrated their ability to appropriately respond to common cardiac arrest scenarios.
- Manufacturer Specific Advanced AED Training: Advanced video simulation training for a sudden cardiac arrest requiring CPR and an AED that requires the student to properly assess, provide CPR skills, and operate an AED in the proper sequence. Ensures the student can sequence actions correctly without prompts. A preparatory practice testing sequence is provided.
- Basic First Aid Training: Interactive, audio/visual training program combining photographs, voice over, text, and animations designed to instruct the trainee in basic first aid. Each section begins with the underlying Anatomy and Physiology and progresses to assessment and treatment. Includes Airway and Breathing Emergencies, Cardiovascular Emergencies, Environmental Emergencies, Bleeding, Shock, Major and Minor Trauma, Burns, OSHA, NGFATOS Compliant. Includes interactive demonstrations.
- Advanced First Aid Practice/Testing: Permits student to properly assess and demonstrate their understanding of the underlying principles and treatment through animated interactive activities. Choosing the proper supply from the First Aid Kit and intervention from the “Backpack of First Aid Knowledge”, it is the first of its kind to allow the students to choose the intervention and watch it take place on the screen.
- Emergency Preparedness
- Introduction/Overview:
- Workplace Emergencies are Common!
- Program Contents:
- What to do in an Emergency
- Preparation
- Evacuation
- Sheltering In
- Specific Emergencies
- Medical
- Earthquake
- Typhoon
- Hurricane/Cyclone/Tsunami
- Fire
- Active Shooter
- Emergency Notification Technology
- What is it? What will it do for me?
- How do I get it?
- Fire Safety
- The fire triangle
- Stages of a fire
- Classifications of fires
- Types of fire extinguishers and when to use
- The PASS method for using an extinguisher
- When not to use a fire extinguisher
- Live Video Instruction: Some organizations require Instructor-verified skills certification via in-person classroom instruction. With many employees working remotely, video conferencing skills practice and certification with a live Instructor may satisfy your Instructor-verified skills certification requirement.
- A live certified instructor will conduct your personal, one-on-one skills certification class using Internet video conferencing technology
- Eco-friendly! No gas, no driving, no parking, and no logistical hassles
- You will learn to perform CPR with the confidence that you can save a life, and receive your 2-year certification card right away!