The instructor resource center makes organizing and administering your classes simple, easy, and paperless! Go to the "My Classes" section of the resource center to view current or upcoming classes, enroll trainees in your online roster, or retrieve your class materials.
No more passing out evaluation forms or certifications. No more paper rosters. We send out your evaluation forms and store them for you digitally. We make sure your trainees receive their online e-certs and are able to download and digitally store their certifications on their smartphones at all times with our patent pending smartphone application EUCert!™. EUCert!™ makes administering and requesting certification skills cards faster, more easily accessible, and paper-free!
The Instructor Resource Center also helps you find classes available to you to teach, check your online instructor evaluations, and provides you with full access to the discounted instructor store.
Emergency University’s patent pending technology, EUCert!™, is a worry-free smartphone application that allows you to carry your medical certificates of completion with you everywhere you go. Don’t stress about keeping paper certificates or skills cards with you to prove your medical certification. As long as you are carrying your smartphone, there is a digital and printable record of your medical certificates on your person at all times.
EUCert!™ stores and organizes these certificates for you. EU Cert™ also records and displays the expiration dates of your certificates, so you know when your certificates are valid and when they need to be renewed. Download EUCert!™ today for organized, portable, and easy access to your certs…Don’t get caught without your certs!
Contact us at or call us at +1-650-365-3310
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