FAA Manager of Employee Safety and Health Services Dr. Tom Holloway, Emergency University Medical Director Dr. Odelia Braun Present Data on Life-Saving Impact of WorkSafe Program + EUAlert!™
April 29, 2015 – Redwood City, Calif. – Traditional workplace CPR/AED programs typically do not focus on improving clinical outcomes. For example, despite an increase in the number of available trained individuals, only two percent of cardiac arrest victims receive an “effective” (immediate CPR and the attachment of an AED) response. To help occupational health professionals understand the implications and develop a solution, Emergency University Medical Director Dr. Odelia Braun will speak at the 100th Annual American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC), May 6, 2015 in Baltimore, MD. Her presentation "Does AED Program Medical Control Positively Impact Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Survival?" will review the medical director’s role in workplace CPR/AED programs that have achieved excellent SCA response rates, including the Federal Aviation Administration’s dedicated WorkSafe™ Program.
“In total, corporations have spent more than $30 billion purchasing AEDs, setting up programs and training employees. Unfortunately, these investments have not done much to increase sudden cardiac arrest response rates. The involvement of corporate medical directors may rectify the poor performance of workplace CPR/AED programs and thus save more lives,” said Dr. Braun.
Dr. Braun is a board-certified emergency physician/internist and attorney who has conducted extensive research in all areas of cardiac resuscitation, including developing advanced emergency response systems and training programs that were designed to create willing and able responders. Along with FAA Manager of Employee Safety and Health Services Dr. Tom Holloway and Emergency University Training Director Frank Poliafico, RN, Dr. Braun will discuss common barriers to establishing and maintaining an effective workplace CPR/AED program, describe organizational structures that have been successfully implemented and review new technology – including Emergency University’s new EUAlert!™ mobile app.
AOHC is produced by The American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, the first organization to develop AED program guidelines that stressed the need for medical direction. The event is expected to draw more than 1,000 attendees, including physicians, industrial hygienists, nurses, safety professionals and environmental health specialists.
About Emergency University
Emergency University assists corporations and government agencies in the design and implementation of life-saving internal emergency response systems, including comprehensive preparedness training, SCA response programs and early notification technologies. In 1989, Emergency University staff tripled SCA survival in San Francisco when they launched the first major urban AED program in the US designed specifically for non‐healthcare professionals. In addition to LinkedIn, Emergency University provides emergency response system implementation and training to major corporations including Cisco, Twitter, Levi-Strauss, CSX Transportation, Zynga, Procter & Gamble, and Norfolk Southern. Emergency University also provides CPR/AED training to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as part of its Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Program -- the largest in the nation. The FAA’s PAD Program has achieved an unprecedented 100% SCA response rate and 75% survival rate for instances of witnessed cardiac arrest. More information about Emergency University is available at 1-866-233-4357 and http://www.emergencyuniversity.com
Media Contact:
c3PR: Mar Junge 408-219-0101
Emergency University: T. Farina - +1-650-365-3310 or tfarina@emergencyuniversity.com
WorkSafe™ is a trademark of Emergency University.