Life-Saving Approach to AED Program Management Can Quadruple SCA Victims' Chance of Survival
October 9, 2014 – Redwood City, Calif. – Emergency University, Medical Director Dr. Odelia Braun will discuss a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) response program that quadruples victims' chance of survival at The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Greater San Jose Chapter luncheon meeting on October 14 in Santa Clara, Calif. Dr Braun's presentation, Emergency Response: The Difference between Life and Death in the Workplace," will illustrate how Worksafe™ and other Emergency University programs ensure that 100 percent of SCA victims receive an effective response, thus maximizing their chance of survival.
“SCA victims who receive bystander CPR and a shock from an AED within the first four minutes after collapse quadruple their chance of survival. Sadly, research shows that only two percent of SCA victims receive an effective response. Emergency University’s Worksafe™ program ensures that 100 percent of victims receive bystander CPR and the attachment of an AED. By incorporating behavioral science principles, we properly prepare people to be ‘willing’ responders and give SCA victims a fighting chance,” said Dr. Braun.
Traditional PAD/AED programs often emphasize AED maintenance and basic training, but do not focus on preparing people to respond. For corporations and government agencies looking to enhance their organization’s safety culture, the purchasing decision must focus on the effectiveness of the response program and properly preparing responders.
Worksafe™ is currently used by the Federal Aviation Administration, Levi Strauss, Procter & Gamble, Zynga and many others. Additional evidence of the program's success is detailed in a case study recounting an incident in which an American Airlines pilot was saved by two FAA inspectors.
About Emergency University
Emergency University assists corporations and government agencies in the design and implementation of life-saving internal emergency response systems, including comprehensive preparedness training, SCA response programs and early notification technologies. In 1989, Emergency University staff tripled SCA survival in San Francisco when they launched the first major urban AED program in the US designed specifically for non‐healthcare professionals. In addition to LinkedIn, Emergency University provides emergency response system implementation and training to major corporations including Cisco, Twitter, Levi-Strauss, CSX Transportation, Zynga, Procter & Gamble, and Norfolk Southern. Emergency University also provides CPR/AED training to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as part of its Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Program -- the largest in the nation. The FAA’s PAD Program has achieved an unprecedented 100% SCA response rate and 75% survival rate for instances of witnessed cardiac arrest. More information about Emergency University is available at 1-866-233-4357 and
Media Contact:
c3PR: Mar Junge 408-219-0101
Emergency University: T. Farina - +1-650-365-3310 or
WorkSafe™ is a trademark of Emergency University.