September 2012 — On September 15, 2012, the Chairman of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association (SCAA), Jeffrey Micklos, presented Dr. Thomas Holloway, Manager of National Employee Safety Performance at the Federal Aviation Administration, with the nonprofit organization's annual Public Service Award. Given to public institutions for "outstanding contributions" to their employees, the FAA was honored for its comprehensive and life-saving Public Access Defibrillation Program. In its third year of operation, the FAA's nationwide program has a remarkable 100% response rate and 100% survival rate for its witnessed sudden cardiac arrest victims.
Emergency University, the world's leading provider of online and blended CPR, AED, and First Aid training, is responsible for managing the FAA's 3,000 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) as well as providing AED and CPR training and certification to 30,000 FAA employees.
While accepting the SCAA's Public Service Award, Dr. Holloway stated, "Emergency University was charged with assisting [the FAA] implement the [PAD] program across 173 facilities nationwide, including every major commercial airport in the country. We have now trained over 11,000 FAA personnel in CPR, AED, and AED Responder and have placed over 1,000 AEDs into service. The program is extremely well received in the field, and we accept this award with gratitude."
"If you work for the Federal Aviation Administration, you know it's a place where you get can top-notch CPR training and AED training — the FAA has been absolutely outstanding in providing its employees with the skills, expertise, and confidence they need to save lives," stated Odelia Braun, Emergency University's Medical Director. "We are grateful to have the opportunity to offer our nationally accredited blending training programs to the FAA, and congratulate them for this well deserved award."